• The Dallas RPG was a Soap Opera Wargame?

    In 1980, SPI released an RPG based on the Dallas tv show. Players act as characters from the show, each with specific objectives and abilities. The game’s dense mechanics and need for multiple players are balanced by its surprisingly enjoyable playability. The newsletter also includes links to various RPG-related content.

  • Teaching Games

    I. Dear Reader I’ve done two episodes in my teaching games series – Apocalypse Keys and Girl by Moonlight. Even as the audio quality isn’t where I want it to be (had to essentially replace my computer to solve that), I think they’re pretty good resources. And I’m still working towards getting them on Youtube…

  • So You Want To Be a Game Master

    I. Dear Reader, I was reading Justin Alexander’s book So You Want To Be a Game Master this week and something very obvious sneaked up on me. When someone says a book is for “new GMs”, they’re going to have to imagine some kind of person when they say that. When you say “new GMs”,…

  • Last Ditch Consequences

    I. Dear Reader, Feeling ill so this newsletter is coming out a little late – but I wanted to highlight a key piece of “GM-friendly design”. I call it “last ditch consequences” which isn’t super clear but is easier to say than “the consequence that the GM can always dish out, even when it’s late…

  • Playing with Politics

    I. Dear Reader, Mostly when someone talks about “politics in games”, they’re about to say the worst thing you’ve ever heard in your life. But it’s good to be reminded that there can also be posts on that subject that are only mildly annoying. This is one of them. Why do people put politics in…

  • Hello Peril

    I. Dear Reader, It’s been two long posts in a row so I’ll keep it short this week. Over on Patreon, I posted 2000 words on a weird little gem of a game, Flash Gordon and the Warriors of Mongo, an RPG from 1977. It’s an essay that goes to a couple of different places…

  • GM Advice: Theatricality versus Transparency

    I. Dear Reader I find that broadly there are at least two kinds of GM advice – and they have a very different philosophy underpinning them. The first kind of advice aims at all costs to maintain verisimilitude. It’s a solution that you can implement without breaking the players’ immersion in their characters. This can…

  • New Games From December 23 and January 24

    I. Dear Reader Another regularly scheduled roundup of games that have been released on itch.io that caught my eye over the last two months. Usual disclaimer that I haven’t really read or played these games; they just seem cool based on the pitch alone. Also, most of them now come to me by people using…

  • Narrative Combos!

    I. Dear Reader I’ve got a neat story and game mechanic for you. Everyone likes the idea of teamwork in games. It’s really satisfying to work together and pull off something cool. You know, “I line ’em up, you knock ’em down”. In sport or more tactical games, these often are explicit roles or moves…